Wednesday 3 August 2011

Completing Your Emotional Information Cycles

All emotional disorders are caused by blocked full-body 'emotional information cycles'.

The most common model for multi-cellular life on Earth is the tube and organic tubes live by managing the cyclical flow of things travelling through them. 

Living tubes take things in from the world outside; manipulate what they take in, extract what they need from the flow then pass other things back out into the environment.  This cycle is rhythmic, the rhythmic pulse produced being dependent on the organic system concerned (compare your breathing cycle rate with your sleep cycle rate, for example). 

The rhythm of our emotional cycle depends to a large extent on how we work psychologically as an individual.  We all have the ability to block emotional energy release through psychological 'non-acceptance'.  We can also reverse this blocking through learning 'acceptance' (opening the psychological valves, so to speak).  Because of this difference in psychologies, differences in what we accept and reject, one person's 'emotional rhythm' will pulse at a different rate to another's.

As a rule babies do not block their emotions.  They feel, they express, they heal - and they do it really loudly and quickly too.  As babies turn into adults however they develop different approaches to emotional expression based on different life experiences and then begin matching these to varied forms of 'social programming feedback' from their social environments.  Each of us has different opinions about what we 'should' be feeling or doing and where we ‘should be’ feeling or doing it as a result. 

Adults generally learn to express less and suppress more, holding their responses in check to maintain and get benefit from important and complex social relationships.  Too little suppression can put you in jail or worse; too much suppression can make you emotionally sick.

When any biological  lifecycle is blocked or disturbed the organism experiences tension; discomfort; illness; sometimes even death.  Our emotional system is just one more biological system, designed to operate in a certain way.  We take in sensory signals; we let some signals float on by while others we extract from the flow; we act on those extracted signals and we put thoughts, attitudes and behaviours out into the external world on the basis of them.  We change our entire physical positioning, and occasionally our entire 'environmental set', on the basis of this particular life cycle.

Blockages of any biological cycle occur either because an environment does not provide the right things needed (what's coming in may be poisonous to us), or the environment is not accepting what the organism puts out (rejection is painful, isn't it?). The cyclical rhythm is disturbed, with the organism finding itself out of synch both externally and internally.   The return to balance, to 'homeostasis, where the rate of emotional flow is at the' Goldilocks Point ' of being just right, takes a lot of energy to bring about following such a disturbance.

If you are someone stuck in a blocked emotional state right now and want to return to homeostasis (non-emotional, unconditional happiness) your job is to learn how to complete your internal emotional information cycles. 

Please note if you are suffering with a severe emotional problem you should not attempt to do this work without the support of a medical professional

Here’s a quick version of what a normal emotional information (not blocked) cycle looks like:

It all starts in your Prefrontal Cortex.

  • The Prefrontal Cortex sends signals to

  • the Left and Right Neo-Cortex commanding them to send signals to

  • the Limbic Brain which sends signals both into the brain and also to

  • the Endocrine System (glands) which releases chemicals containing

  • Ligands - molecules containing information which travel through the body in the carrier liquids we call hormones (and in the brain as neurotransmitters).  Ligands travel through the body looking for the appropriate receptive organs, muscles and other bodily parts which they then attach to via

  • Cell Receptors which float on the surface of cell walls.  Once the ligands attach to the cell receptors the cell receptors begin contorting their lower strands, which are buried within the cell body, at about 10'000 times a second, causing the cells to vibrate internally producing an intense energy driven

  • emotional response which travels through the body and then back up via the Reticular Formation into the brain reaching the

  • Prefrontal Cortex at which point the responses asks for permission to release and

  • if the Prefrontal Cortex accepts the need for physical release the energy flows and nerves either drive

  • your muscles to physically discharge energy through movement targeted at the external world or the Prefrontal Cortex can decide the energy can be released just through the process of

  • feeling alone and the energy flows and clears - with both the Unconscious and the Prefrontal Cortex working together to fully release the energy and then when fully released

  • the Prefrontal Cortex confirms the threat is no longer present and produces a sense of satisfaction or relief and the whole body returns to a relaxed state.

So it all ends in the Prefrontal Cortex too. 

Did you get all that?  If not - read it again and build a picture of the full journey in your mind. 

It starts in your forehead, travels backwards through your brain then downwards into the body and then comes back up through the body, through your brain, and the energy releases; evaporating either through physical activity or through surrendering to the process of feeling alone.

Although the cycle I've described above is probably much more complex, with lots of other activities and communications going on in the brain and body, that just about sums it up.  If you were to focus on that model during healing it would be sufficient for you - for your Prefrontal Cortex, that is, to understand what needs to be done.  A blocked emotional response is a full body information cycle needing completion.

In my next post I’ll be discussing the role of the Prefrontal Cortex, the starting and finishing point of our emotional responses, in more depth..

Regards - Carl

PS I’ve not posted in quite some time but I’ve not been idle (honest!) I’m working on ‘the book’. The book will be a mechanics-style guide for people suffering from severe emotional disorders on how to get back to being unconditionally happy.

It’ll be a ‘live’ book - which means I’ll be putting a free e-book version on the blog when it’s complete (there will also be a link for you to go and buy the paperback version should you prefer). It also means you’re going to see the content developing on the blog through my posts (this is one example). The finished book may look different (including the style) but the message will be the same.

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