Wednesday 16 June 2010

Drilling For Emotional Wellness – Setting Up Your Platform

What is the first step towards turning a blocking emotional system into a flowing system?  The first thing you need to put in place is a drilling platform.

A drilling platform offers a stable place in a world of chaos you can return to again and again.

Your Emotional Energy Drilling Platform

Your emotional drilling platform is an artificial structure set up temporarily only during the energy release process.  Once it has achieved its purpose your platform can be dismantled or left to operate unmanned by itself until the next time you need to use it deliberately.

Nothing in life can guarantee total emotional freedom at all times.  I may see myself as a bit of an ‘expert’ in removing such things as obsessions, phobias and panic attacks – but I am only in this position because I learned how to set my healing platforms up.  I still get new emotional issues – I just know now how to get rid of them quickly because I have developed the understanding and skills set.

Prior to this I was a complete emotional wreck inside.  People would say they could not believe how calm I was in some external situations where others were very emotional.  Truth was, compared to how I felt inside, these external situations were barely noticeable. Now I get the best of both worlds.

Before we take a look at setting up a new emotional drilling platform, consider those platforms already successfully operating in your life.

What platforms have you already got set up?

Do you go to work?  If you go to work in any organisation the way in which that organisation is set up is a ‘platform’.  Multiple staff working together to mine something of value that leads to something else of value.  You all get together and you drill.  How much would you get done working alone?

Have you ever had a conflict situation at work that made you feel bad – did you get together and sort it out and then feel better?  You drilled the situation and released the energy using the platforms designed to sort out  such disputes.  Was there a meeting, or an informal discussion or something in writing?  What did they release?  What did they drill for?

Do you go shopping? If you go shopping your own shopping platform may consist of your transport arrangements; your shopping bags; shopping trolleys at the store; the contents of your purse or wallet and a grocery list.  All those staff at the shops you go to are working together in multiple platforms to support you in operating yours.

Where do you go that makes you feel good?  Do you read books or watch television for pleasure?  Do you set aside a specific physical place, create a certain atmosphere and devise a specific time slot?  Experiential Platforms.  Eat dinner off a plate sitting on a table and cook the meal on a cooker?  Platforms.

Your life is unconsciously full of platforms involving support from different people and tools applying different types of knowledge to resolve what would otherwise create multiple stressful issues.

All these things are important, right?  All these things are of value to you?  So why do we all, nearly every one of us, have so much trouble when it comes to creating a platform to drill down for the most important thing anyone can have in their lives?

A happy you.

Buried under all that energetic gunk there is you, and the real you deserves to be let out.  Your emotional release platform needs a place, a time and proper staffing just like all the other platforms in your life do.


In order to drill for emotional energy effectively you need a safe place for an extended period of time.  This safe place could have somebody else there, as long as they are acting as your Guardian and not your Judge, Jury and Executioner.  They should be there to help undo those aspects of your own negative self-talk – not to reinforce them.

Most of the time though, you will probably be alone when you do this work.  Drilling for emotional energy needs to be very focused and by its very nature tends to be focusing – especially if you get an emotional gusher.

There is a real risk if you are in untrained company you will take your mood out on others – or they will notice and ask you about it.  There is also a risk of certain places being dangerous to you – such as when crossing roads if you are not paying attention to traffic.

So I recommend either a private room with no distractions (and nothing in it with moving parts) or, for short periods, time spent with a trusted Guardian figure.


Drilling for emotional energy needs the support of different people at different times.  There are physical, mental and long-term planning issues, including concerns about affects on the environment, when you set up such a drilling platform.

Releasing emotional energy affects your physical body.   You have to make sure what you experience is both normal and is not masking illness not related to intense emotional release.


During emotional release things like stomach acid balance; heart palpitations; sweating; nightmares and the ‘mammalian freeze response’ – also known as ‘disassociation’, may take place.  Got a good doctor?  Make them a part of your platform team – you will need them to speak to whenever you hit a physical situation.

Include here the possibility of a Psychiatrist – just a note: psychiatrists are medicinal professionals; their job is to prescribe medicine.  Your doctor will refer you to a psychiatrist if you wish them to and your psychiatrist will offer you medicinal support as well as giving you the opportunity to talk.  There will be room for negotiation here so do not think you should just do as you are told when it comes to medication.

I discussed my healing strategy with my psychiatrist and he agreed to keep me on the lowest level of Prozac – after a year I no longer required it (I am not sure I required it at all, to be honest, but I wanted the option).

Psychiatrists are used to people turning up on their door with no plan whatsoever, but if you have a plan they will listen to it and support you.

Something that surprised me at first was when I described my plan my psychiatrist would agree what I was saying was correct – but would not give me the whole plan!  This is most likely because they are trained not to.  As I say, they are medicinal practitioners.  They will probably refer you for counselling – and your counsellor is someone you can really start to develop your plan with.  You do not need to wait, however, until your psychiatrist or doctor refers you for counselling before getting yourself a counsellor.


There are several types of counsellor – a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist will help change negative thoughts to positive thoughts; a Person-Centred Counsellor will assist you in assisting yourself while at the same time offering a very light form of challenge (this kind of counselling is flexible to your needs); an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner will help you release intense emotional charge gently; a Neuro-llinguistic Programmer (NLP) works with mental modelling.

All and any of these types of counsellors are effective in their own way.  You should speak to your doctor and psychiatrist about which type they recommend but also do a bit of your own research as well.  Pick one, stick with that counsellor for a time and then speak to that counsellor as to whether or not you both feel they are the right type to assist you in your drilling for emotional wellness.

Your Board of Governors

Most platforms operate using a ‘Board of Governors’.  A governor is any source of advice called upon to help shape the nature of the development of an organisation.

We can take on and let go of our governors as we see fit and some governors may only serve the needs of our drilling platform for a short period of time – others become semi-permanent.  The only permanent member of your staffing team is you.

Your governors can be helpful real-life friends (I do not mean critical friends with agendas they want you to stick to – I mean people who value YOUR experience and agenda) or other advice sources.

They may be well-known authors – I remember going through a couple of years regarding Dr Claire Weekes, the panic attack expert, as my main ‘governor’.

Governors are useful not only for drilling down to release intense emotional energy – they are helpful in maintaining emotional happiness once it has been achieved.


The main member of staff you will need on your drilling platform is you.  If you do not turn up to take lead of the operation drilling for your emotional energy release cannot take place.  You could be the one member of drilling staff you have most trouble getting to show up.

You have to value yourself enough to be willing to carry out the drilling process in a safe place without distraction – this means being ‘selfish’.  It means turning up to do the work without whining about how inconvenient the process is.  When you get frustrated at the process; the way in which your organic emotional system works, what you are really saying is ‘I do not value myself much’.  You do not think you deserve the time emotional release takes.

Staffing your platform with a doctor, a psychiatrist, a counsellor and a Board of Governors really starts to reinforce the idea you are an important person in your own right.

Part of the reason we become emotionally unwell is we have spent far too much time valuing the platforms being operated by other people.  We love to help them drill for their ideas; their viewpoints; their wants – even to the point we adopt them when they work directly against our own emotional well-being.

Setting up your own platform to drill for emotional release may be the first time you have ever considered you have something in there of value to drill for.

Regards - Carl
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