Saturday 27 June 2009

3 Surefire Strategies to Look and Feel Better

This author's talking directly to me today - I've been rushing around like a bluebottle all week and haven't been to the gym for a week and a half and feel pretty yuk. You know, it's a fact I've noticed with Holistic Therapy tutors at work that they all look ready for the 'knackers yard' as they rush around trying to teach everyone else how to get every one else relaxed.

I gotta chill and get me to the gym more. Please go check out this lady's site. I'm off there now myself - but do it slowly.

Regards - Carl

3 Surefire Strategies to Look and Feel Better
By Diana Fletcher

Stop doing so much... Stop trying to do so much... Stop believing you can do so much

You truly believe deep down that you can do everything you want to, don't you? If you just can find the right system, make enough detailed lists, organize and strategize in the most skillful way, you will get everything done once and for all. But you can't, it is not possible in this fast-moving world for us to keep up. So if you truly want to feel better and look better, you have to stop.

Stop doing so much, stop trying to do so much, and stop believing you can do so much. It is possible to stop, but first you have to understand the importance of stopping. We are a nation of exhausted people. We have become a nation of overweight people, and now our children are becoming diabetic; we have high blood pressure, heart problems, insomnia and depression, these are not diagnoses that indicate healthful looks and vigor.

We don't look good and we don't feel good, and we will not live the long and happy lives that we are meant to live, if we don't make some changes. We spend our time hurrying and scurrying, and trying to get more and more done. We are trying to pack more and more into each day. It is impossible to fit everything into a day that we want to, yet we stubbornly keep trying. The reality is we cannot do it all! So, we need to focus on what we really, really want to do. We need to prioritize our lives, not just the items on a to-do list. We need to concentrate on what truly will make us happy and healthy, those are the things we need to do well.

Take the time to think about this: Why is it so important to try to do so much? Isn't it actually kind of silly that we work ourselves to the point where we cannot sleep, we are eating poorly, and we don't exercise? We run around to activities and do tasks that add nothing of fulfillment to our lives! We don't have time for what is truly important, our families, our friends, our rest and our health.

This could be the most cost effective, most economical way to look and feel great! So if this sounds good to you, STOP!

Diana Fletcher © 2009

Certified Life Coach, author, and speaker Diana Fletcher is The Stress Reducing Expert. She is a master at helping her clients and students reduce their stress and live healthier, more balanced lives.

For fun and easy ideas of how to improve your health and lower your stress level immediately, visit and receive 25 Simple Tips to Reducing Stress, or register for one of Diana's free monthly teleseminars today. For regular tips and information, read Diana's blog at

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